Tortas de Aceite
Dulces de
Inés Rosales

Nuestras Tortas de Aceite

Hechas a mano, una a una, la elaboración de nuestras Tortas de Aceite se realiza con Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra e ingredientes naturales seleccionados, propios de la Dieta Mediterránea. Cada torta es única e irrepetible gracias a las delicadas manos que le dan forma previa a su tostado al horno.

Original Olive Oil Torta (6QTY)

Inés Rosales Sweet Olive Oil Tortas have been a traditional snack throughout Spain for more than 100 years. Flavoured with anise and sesame seeds. A family legacy, their flavour transports us back in time. Let your palate take you on a journey which can be enjoyed at any time of day. The pack of 180gr contains 6 Olive Oil Tortas individually wrapped.

Lemon Olive Oil Torta (6QTY)

Lemon Olive Oil Tortas Inés Rosales are handmade and baked with the best quality ingredients. Their mild lemon flavour and crunchy texture make them ideal for the most demanding customers. A perfect option for those looking for quality breakfasts, snacks and appetizers. Each package (180gr) contains 6 Olive Oil Tortas individually wrapped.

Orange Olive Oil Torta (6QTY)

Their beautiful aroma and finish of orange will transport you to the smells and colors of springtime in Seville. The texture of these tortas is light and crisp, golden brown with sugar and crystallized orange sprinkled on top. Handmade elaboration. All-natural, and made with extra virgin olive oil and the finest ingredients.

Cinnamon Olive Oil Torta (6QTY)

The Cinnamon Torta is our most recent variety. This perfect combination of subtle sweetness with a spicy touch of natural cinnamon will delight all five of your senses. All-natural, and made with extra virgin olive oil. Taste our delicious Tortas with ice-cream.


100% natural Olive Oil Tortas made by hand, one by one. They are vegan, with European organic certification, free of eggs, lactose, dyes and preservatives. They are baked with cane sugar, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and selected organic ingredients from the Mediterranean Diet following the traditional recipe.

Cariño más sabiduría igual a dulzura

Conseguir esa dulzura tan personal de las Inés Rosales sería imposible si no mantuviéramos nuestras señas de identidad: el respeto a la preparación tradicional y el cariño innegociable que se le pone a cada torta.

La modernidad tiene un papel relevante en nuestras instalaciones, equipadas con las herramientas idóneas para nuestro proceso de producción, pero siempre al servicio del factor artesanal: la pieza angular que nos diferencia y permite conservar nuestra esencia.


Lo natural es que te sepa dulce

El uso de ingredientes cien por cien naturales -harina de trigo, aceite de oliva virgen extra, azúcar y especias aromáticas- es la clave para obtener su inconfundible sabor.

Si a esto le sumamos una elaboración verdaderamente artesanal, y dejamos fuera cualquier atisbo de aditivos y conservantes, tenemos como resultado algo tan rico como saludable.


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